SEMSS 2017

Emory University, Atlanta, GA

 Closing Remarks and Awards

The annual Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium is hosted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Emory University, and Vanderbilt University, in partnership with the American Physician Scientists Association (APSA). SEMSS brings MD/PhD students and physician scientists together from schools around the southeastern United States to encourage a collaborative and interdisciplinary educational environment within the region, while fostering the continuation of institutional ties. It is our hope that collaborations with colleagues that begin at SEMSS will last a lifetime.


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SEMSS is an American Physician Scientists Association (APSA) regional meeting that brings together aspiring physician scientists from schools around the southeastern United States. This event is primarily organized and attended by MD, MD/PhD, and undergraduate students, with many opportunities for students to present their work. We feature outstanding plenary and keynote speakers, representing the best and newest ideas in fundamental, clinical, and translational science. We are proud of six years of fostering a collaborative and interdisciplinary educational environment for biomedical science trainees within the region.

SEMSS 2016 was held in conjunction with the inaugural Physician Scientists Symposium (PSS) supported by the UAB Physician Scientist Development Office. The goal of this collaborative effort brought additional participation from physician scientist trainees further along in the training process, including residents, fellows, and junior faculty. In addition to the outstanding keynotes and the career development workshops, this joint meeting created opportunities for individuals at all stages to seek out and establish their own mentorship network.